FSM new features

When the pandemic began it dragged every industry including the field service business into uncharted territories. Technology has helped field service industries in different ways from online marketing to social media, from messaging apps to GPS tools and many more. Many field service companies tried to cope with Covid-19 in their own ways. For instance SERVICE MAX introduced ZINC, a real-time communication module to channelize important information among customers and employees.  In response to the current pandemic Help Lighting has offered its Remote Expertise Solution to qualified businesses free of cost.  EyeOnTask has announced new updated features to provide customers more control over their data, facilitate quick actions for smart lead generation and manage inventory and suppliers separately. EyeOnTask’s latest release is equipped with advanced new features like Lead Management, Expense module and Inventory module designed to ensure greater collaboration among field service staff and simplify core field scheduling.

Lead Module:  EyeOnTask’s admin platform has now become more versatile and helps manage and make best possible outcomes out of the leads. If you are an admin you can easily generate leads and when that lead becomes a customer, one can easily create an estimate or job with just a couple of clicks with no double-data entry. Lead management gives you a thorough view of your business, computerizing contact with leads to ensure that you complete the job.


  • Admin can send responses and estimates right from the lead in order to keep things organised. Then later turn that estimation into a job.
  • The time spent on follow up, preparing to make a sales call or send an email is cut down with the help of company information on fingertips.


Expense Module:

Expense Module in different field service software is customized keeping in mind the existing functionalities like bill capturing, expense limit, different types and nature of expenses. Expense module helps in keeping a record of fieldworker’s expenses when they are on the field working in distant locations. These expenses include travel, food, petrol or other categories. Different categories of expenses and their governing parameters can be configured based on their needs. The expense module comes in a customizable format where fieldworkers can add expense name, date, category, amount, description as well as the group to which the expense belongs to. In addition to this expenses can be linked to a job or a client. FIELDEZ and EyeOnTask have launched a new expense module that allows the field technicians to link the daily expenses against the tickets or the jobs performed in the field using mobile devices.


  • Simplification and Automation of business’ expense entry.
  • Expense management software allows administrators to have full visibility and track of employee use of the company’s financial resources.
  •  Expense management software analyses overall expenses, identifies cost saving opportunities which enables controlling excessive spending.

Inventory Module:

Inventory governance is a major challenge faced by many field service businesses. While shortages can be damaging and overstocking can be costly, field service businesses have to manage these while working with inventory spread across multiple vehicles and locations. It becomes hard to keep the right balance when most calls you receive are urgent. Inbuilt Inventory system  lets you manage assets, stock in/out, low stock alerts, warehouses and most important profits that a business is making of its products, services and manpower.


  •  Inventory Module facilitates accurate inventory tracking and monitor of parts usage.
  • This Inventory management and control features help to immediately check available stock whenever required and results in increased client satisfaction.
  •  It also ensures that you have the optimal inventory on hand to manage your business.
  • Inventory Management helps save time entering the Inventory sub-items and therefore results in reduced errors.

These new features introduced by the companies have given a boost to the field service industries impacted by COVID-19. Many companies have already adopted different measures to survive successfully against all odds during the Pandemic.

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