Field technician and a mobile app

We all are living in a VUCA world. A famous acronym first used in 1987 and coined by US Army War college, to draw the leadership theories. Which reflects on the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of general conditions and situations. If we translate VUCA in our day to day life, then we also face almost the similar challenges regularly.
All the common users are using a wide spectrum of facilities, utilities, apparatuses, tools and technologies. These all are for our comfort and ease of life. But what if something goes wrong with them, or they start malfunctioning or they stop functioning at all. Here through FSM, we come to the rescue. We are the Field Service Managers, where we provide the troubleshooting service for all these types of problems that a person can face in their daily life. FSM can orchestrate the resource, time, task and delivery of the services in a digitized and centralized fashion. It keeps the user informed in real time about their requested services. I think it’s an USP of FSM because we are living in a time where we get restless if a portal does not open up quickly or the video streaming on any portal starts buffering or our food delivery guy is not picking up the call or any customer service team is not responding to our call or mail or 100s of any other scenario where we are not getting the solution quickly. Citing these expectations of a user, if we summarize the problem, it will be like the customer does not want to go in a longer process of onboarding and after that if the services are not satisfactory to them then it is almost impossible for any vendor to retain the customer. These problems can be sorted out only with the thumb rule that everything is machine managed and orchestrated, with an easy user interface and with an efficient, quick and quality service delivery.

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