Fieldworkers Mobile app

Field Service automation has captured ground in the recent years. Efficient Field Service management is more than just dispatching digital work orders to fieldworkers from the back office. Field service management includes dispatching work orders, executing the jobs and getting customer feedback. Field Service management software has helped reduce the unnecessary paperwork that businesses needed to handle from day-to-day. Fieldworkers can now handle tasks from the field with the help of cutting edge technology and perform most of their routine work online. FSM Software acts as a backbone for the fieldworkers.

The benefits of FSM Software for fieldworkers are several folds:

  1.       Increased Productivity

With the digitization of processes and all the information present online fieldworkers can easily access all the data from a mobile device and avoid return trips to the office. This means less waste of time and getting jobs done quickly thus increasing productivity. Any communication  gaps can be fulfilled with the chat features which in turn will provide fast service. Fewer trips will induce better performance and accomplishments of goals on time.

  1.       A Contemporary mobile workplace

Using digital platform fieldworkers can become productive doing the least appealing jobs too. Using the smart features of the Field Service management software fieldworkers can manage the work process more efficiently and with ease. Logging job time, Reporting, Capturing images of the work done, Taking feedbacks from client, Creating invoices on the field,  Managing expenses and much more can be done with the help of rich FSM mobile apps.  That’s how your clients will also perceive your business if it uses smarter systems rather than the old school systems.

  1.       EyeOnTask’s Integrated Mobile App

With the help of integrated EyeOnTask’s fieldworker mobile app fieldworkers can get notified about the assigned jobs along with the description about the job such as job instructions , job location and job description , fieldworker can easily communicate with the admin and post status updates. In short fieldworkers can upload pictures, check in and check out status, create invoices, manage expenses and much more. Fieldworkers can chat with the admin sitting in the back office regarding issues they face on the field. You can also ask them what they are up-to and keep in touch with them all the time. Field workers can contact the necessary personnel anytime with the help of a mobile device.He can chat with his fellow colleagues with discuss about the ongoing job.

  1.       Better workflow coordination

Managing on-field workers requires workflow coordination. Due to the Field Service management platforms now you don’t need to manage your workforce manually. Coordination between admins, workers and dispatchers is necessary to ensure on time fulfillment of customer demands. With the help of Field service management you can easily collect multiple orders and assign those to available fieldworkers. This makes it easy for fieldworkers to maintain coordination with the admin in the back office and perform their tasks efficiently. So there is minimum waste of time and maximum performance!

  1.     Make your remote fieldworkers feel part of the team

 Many of the field workers who work in distant locations and do not report to the office regularly may feel isolated and frustrated at times. With the help of field management software they get access to the organization to some extent. This way they will feel motivated to perform their tasks. Through the powerful features of a field service mobile app  fieldworkers can work quickly and efficiently. This leads to a happy customer and fieldworker!

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