Field Services in Corona Crisis

With the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 the world has come to a confusing situation wherein the normal life is interrupted along with the corporate industry facing the worst crisis.
In order to survive and adapt to the current situation, the field service industry like yours might be thinking of ways to overcome the effects of Covid-19 over their business.
The field service industries which provide services like cleaning, pest controlling, sanitization, waste collection etc are considered essential and therefore in spite of the lock-down where people are advised to sit at home, these industries need to send their fieldworkers to different places to perform their duties.

various fields
To ensure safety and security of your fieldworkers along with your customers is of utmost importance as they are assets of your company.
A user friendly and reliable FSM tool can help you keep your field business up and running in this current situation.
Important forms and necessary instructions can be provided to your fieldworkers on the FSM mobile app they use while on the field.
General instructions, job related information and the precautionary instructions related to Covid-19 like maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands and sanitizing themselves before and after the job done can be very helpful for them and your customers.Service+Safety is considered to be of utmost importance nowadays .

Companies are forced to change their working culture and adapt the remote work culture during this corona crisis.
FSM softwares could play an important role in managing the remote teams.
You or your manager at home can keep track of all the activities of your field business , the ongoing jobs, upcoming work orders, availability of fieldworkers according to the location, generating reports etc.
Communicating with your remote team is easily done with the help of chat features of these FSM tools.
Receiving feedback from your clients over the dashboard which the fieldworkers have received on their device when they were on a job-site lets you know the response about the services offered to them.

The organizations that follow the traditional approach of doing business and are adamant of not changing their working culture would suffer more because almost all the offices are closed and there is no way they could ask their staff to come to office for work in this lock-down.

The use of digitized tools like EyeOnTask, Jobber, ServiceMax, Dynamics 365, Freshworks, RazorSync, FieldPulse, DoTimely, Fieldwire, FieldAware etc can minimize the complexity of managing the field business from your home.

So keep your business moving with the help of these FSM tools and follow necessary guidelines to fight this pandemic. We together can overcome this difficult time for sure.
Happy remote working :).

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