FIeldworker roles

Industries who are dealing with Field services depend mainly on the Mobile Workforce who visit to the client places for the different field related jobs like installations, maintenance, troubleshooting, fittings, repairing, patch-up work, leakage check and fixing, equipment setup and many more.
These Field technicians are the backbone of these field service industries.
The field service technicians visit the client site, perform proper diagnosis at the job site and deliver necessary services demanded by the client.
A Field technician can be anybody who is associated with Field service industry. A plumber, An Electrician, A Cleaner, An Internet service Provider, Cable TV provider, Pest Controlling Guy, Gardener, Tank Cleaners, Water suppliers, Security Guards, Waste collecting Guy, Carpenter,Locksmith etc.
The work of a field technician differs with the industry with which they are associated.
As per the industry they need to carry different instruction manuals and feedback forms at the client site. Sometimes they need to justify as to what task they have performed and what is the authenticity of it.
Sometimes they do not have enough access to use the right tools, they face problems in communication over the work order they are assigned, change in the job priorities from the admin side, inability to keep track of their time invested in doing the job, inefficiency to do proper reporting, manage expenses and overall claim those expenses from the company.

Solution to all these above mentioned problems can be a rich field service management software along with a FSM app.
Examples of some FSM tools along with their mobile apps are :
Fleetio, RazorSync, Jobber, ServiceMax, KickServ, EyeOnTask and many more.


Razorsync :


ServiceMax :

KickServ :

EyeOnTask :

As soon as a Job is assigned from the Web application, a fieldworker on the Mobile app gets notified about this new job along with all the essential details related to the job like start time of the job, job location, job description, instructions related to the job and the deadline in which he needs to finish that job.
With rich chat feature, a field worker can always stay connected with the manager at the back office.
Creating invoices, add edit items within the invoice can be easily managed if permissions are assigned to the fieldworker from the back office.
Fieldworkers can capture images of the status before and after the job completion to report to their manager. They can upload any job related documents from the Mobile App.
With the Mobile App Field workers can take feedback from the clients about the quality of the job done along with the client’s signature.
Fieldworkers can update the payment within the app if they receive any amount from the client side so the manager would also know what amount is paid and what is outstanding.
Fieldworkers can install equipments at the client’s location and can claim their part of expenses if any additional item is installed.
For claiming the expenses the fieldworkers can add the details about the expenses from his mobile app and the admin on the other hand can have an option to approve or disapprove the expenses claimed.
Thus making it simple to manage expenses from both the ends.
Fieldworkers can add items and generate invoice instantly from the mobile app.

Fieldworker finally gets a time saving experience eliminating all his problems with a simple and user friendly Mobile App.

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